Map Ranking

Eat My Butt

Tribe name:Eat My Butt
Number of members:18
Points of the best 18 players94.060
Total points:94.060
Average points:5.226
Opponents defeated: 81.453 (26.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Grumpy Bear 1 8,927 107 2
Starkey2531 (Butt licker) 2 8,367 114 4
Bianca69 3 8,360 115 4
texas Roadhouse 4 7,781 124 3
Tkwy 5 7,544 129 3
yoyojoejoe82 6 7,279 133 2
dogking2030 7 7,100 137 5
wile 8 5,914 179 2
grotty (Butt eater) 9 5,548 191 3
GrannySnow (No cursing Granny) 10 4,959 209 2
B0RIS 11 3,542 275 1
Ladazane 12 3,514 279 1
The Doctor 13 3,165 299 1
Janol 14 3,019 307 1
ToMaTeX 15 3,097 308 1
nmh12 16 2,173 361 1
Coldsteel 17 1,873 397 1
Dauntless Kingdom 18 1,898 403 1
EmB was founded by Starkey2531. If you have questions please contact Starkey2531 or grotty.